Do you want to work 4 Days and get paid for 5? We are and we are loving it!
The 4 Day Week is a business improvement strategy that we have adopted that is centered on working smarter rather than longer, and investing in the well-being of the most important asset to any business – our people. 100% of the pay, 80% of the time, but critically in exchange for 100% of the productivity. This means that when you work with us, it's a 4 day, 8 hour workweek, but we pay employees for 40 hours.
How and why are we able to do this?
We shift our business away from measuring based on hours worked, and towards measuring based on results. The 4 Day Week has been proven to deliver increased productivity in businesses all over the world in a broad range of industries including ours.
We improve the work-life balance of our employees and deliver transformational benefits in their daily lives, while improving physical and mental health, and reducing levels of burnout, stress, sick leave, and absenteeism. The 4 Day Week is shown to result in happier employees, with higher levels of job satisfaction and brand loyalty.
We create a more energized, efficient, empowered, and motivated workforce, which is focused on organizational priorities, delivering outputs, and achieving key targets, rather than on the time spent at the office, at the desk or on the clock.
We have a competitive edge when it comes to attracting the best talent, and increases our pool of potential recruitment candidates, as well as helps to retain our best employees and cut down on unplanned attrition.
We reduce the carbon footprint of our business through reduced commuting and reduced energy use, as well as enabling more sustainable lifestyle changes among your workforce outside of work.
We enable a better distribution of caring responsibilities between mothers and fathers, even the playing field by reducing barriers to women achieving senior positions in work and reducing childcare costs.
We are working towards future-proofing our business, in response to the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fourth industrial revolution of AI, automation, and digital technologies. Being an early adapter and a market leader establishes us as an innovative, progressive, forward-thinking business that stands out from our competition.
Hear what our employees have to say about our 4 Day Week-
Kyle Houseal, CEO + Founder
As the owner, to be honest, I was scared and very skeptical before starting our 4 day work week. Now, getting into it, I find the guys to be more productive and efficient. They tend to keep themselves busy rather than waiting around to be told what to do. And I’d like to think it will keep them wanting to work for an upcoming progressive employer. Me personally, I’ve had more time to enjoy my recreational activities such as snowboarding but I’ve found more importantly an additional day to feel like I can rest or if need be catch up on my chore list.
Shawn, Lead Plumber
There’s only one word that I have and that is AWESOME. More time for my recreation - hunting, fishing, motorcycle riding, and feeling refreshed heading into the next work week.
Connor, Apprentice
I feel that the 4 day work week gives me time to rest my body. It also allows me to do personal projects that I wouldn’t normally have the time to do.
Matthew, Carpenter
Gives me a day during the week to take care of things that I can’t do on the weekend.
Lisa, Operations Manager
The 4 day work week is a game changer. I work remotely for Houseal Construction, living six months in NH and six months in FL. Call me an early snowbird if you will. My fiancé and I wanted to live our best life today, not wait for retirement age. The four day work week affords us long weekends to enjoy lake life, walking on the beach, traveling or just lounging. And if we feel like it, the occasional Friday errand where it would not be possible working a full work week. Don’t get me wrong, on the other days, the Houseal team hunkers down and we get things done! Our team is very productive.
Learn more about 4 Day Week Global
4 Day Week Global is a not-for-profit community established by Andrew Barnes and Charlotte Lockhart to provide a platform for like-minded people who are interested in supporting the idea of the 4 day week as a part of the future of work. This idea was born out of the waves of attention we received from around the world in reaction to our successful program launched at Perpetual Guardian in 2018. Learn more about 4 Day Global here.